Practice Areas
- Additive Manufacturing Practice
- Artificial Intelligence Practice
- Automotive Practice
- Chemical and Material Sciences Practice
- Due Diligence in IP Acquisitions
- Energy Storage, Batteries, and Materials Practice
- Foreign & PCT Patent Filing
- International
- Invalidity Opinions
- Mechanical Engineering Practice
- Non-infringement Opinions
- Opinions
- Patent Landscaping and Risk Analysis
- Patentability Opinions
- Patents
- Right to Practice Opinions
- Utility, Design, and Plant Patent Filing with the USPTO
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer Science & Software
- Electrical Engineering & Electronics
- Energy
- Mechanical Engineering
- Metallurgy & Ceramics
- Nanotechnology
- Optics
- Pharmaceuticals & Pharmaceutical Formulation
- Polymer & Materials Science
- Semiconductor Devices & Processing Methods
- Telecommunications
- Best Lawyers, 2021-2025
- Super Lawyers Rising Star, Intellectual Property, Connecticut, 2016-2017
- Second Best Ph.D. Dissertation at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1991
- Best Paper, SAMPE National Conference
- Armstrong Industries’ General Managers’ Award for Excellence for Developing New Aerogel Based Insulation Having R Less Than 20
- State of Connecticut, 2007
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2002
University of Connecticut School of Law, J.D., 2005
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Ph.D., Materials Engineering and Science, 1991
- Studied the microwaving of sol gel polymer-ceramic nanocomposites
- Published 40+ technical papers on polymeric copolymers and blends, sol gel composites, microwave applications related to curing of polymeric composites
- Managed X-ray, optical and electron beam equipment and developed microwave equipment for research
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, M.S., Materials Engineering and Science, 1987
- Studied the development and characterization of rubber tank track pads
Karnatak University, Dharwad, India, B.A., Mechanical Engineering, 1984
- Rank 5/600
- Kannada
- Hindi
David Rodrigues 변호사는 특허 준비 및 출원, 실사, 비침해성, 무효성, 실행 권리 관련 의견 작업, 그리고 전략적 포트폴리오 개발 등 다양한 분야에서 20년 이상의 경험을 쌓아온 전문가입니다. 특허 변호사가 되기 전, 그는 Armstrong World Industries에서 공장 화학자로, General Electric Silicones와 General Electric Global Research Center에서 파일럿 플랜트 매니저로 근무하며 대규모 제조의 모든 측면에 대해 깊이 있는 이해를 쌓았습니다. 이를 바탕으로, 그는 고객들에게 제품의 대량 생산 및 제조 관련 특허 포트폴리오 개발에 대한 자문을 제공해 왔습니다.
Cantor Colburn에서 Rodrigues 변호사는 600건 이상의 특허 출원을 작성하고 출원 절차를 진행했으며, 이 중 다수는 고분자 합성 및 가공과 관련된 것입니다. 또한, 광학, 태양 전지, 광전지, 엑스레이 및 전자 빔 장치, 담수화, 이산화탄소 포집 및 격리 시스템, 풍력 터빈, 생체 접착 제어를 위한 텍스처 표면 등 다양한 기술 분야에서 특허 출원서를 작성하고 절차를 진행해 왔습니다. 그는 플라스틱 산업의 주요 고객들과 협력하고 있으며, 주요 연구 대학의 기술 이전 사무소 및 첨단 기술과 IP 포트폴리오를 보유한 다양한 고객들을 위해 리드 파트너로 활동하고 있습니다.
Rodrigues 변호사는 재료, 화학, 수학 및/또는 기계 기술이 결합된 특허 출원서 작성에 특화되어 있으며, 경우에 따라 발명자가 제공하지 못한 수학적 공식을 보완하기도 했습니다. 또한, 시간 준수가 중요한 특허 출원 처리를 전문으로 하며, 특허 항소 위원회 및 간섭 심판원(Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences)에서 항소 절차를 통해 특허 출원 승인을 성공적으로 이끌었습니다. 그의 항소 중 70% 이상이 위원회나 심사관에 의해 번복되었습니다.
Experience Highlights
Partner, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2012-present
Counsel, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2011
Associate, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2005-2010
Patent Agent, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2001-2005
Polymer Processing Development Center Leader, Global Research Center, General Electric Company, 1998 – 2001
- Researched methods for producing carbon nanotubes; researched the dispersion of carbon nanotubes in plastics
- Developed new methods for producing intrinsically conductive polymers and nanocomposites based upon intrinsically conductive polymers
- Listed as inventor on three patents
Pilot Plant Leader, General Electric Silicones, 1996 – 1998
- Managed $35 million manufacturing facility for the development of platinum and tin catalysts, polysiloxane sealants and adhesives, mold making products, and release agents.
Research Scientist and Plant Chemist, Armstrong World Industries, 1993-1995
- Managed 40 people in the manufacture of rubber textile components and rubber processing technology.
Post Doctoral Fellow, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1991-1993
- Best Lawyers
Cantor Colburn is proud to announce that the following attorneys are recognized as 2025 Best Lawyers: Christopher C. Boehm, David Bomzer, Alison Caless, Michael A. Cantor, Michelle P. Ciotola, Philmore H. Colburn II, Steven M. Coyle, Nicholas A. Geiger, Charles F. O'Brien, Roberta L. Pelletier, Leah M. Reimer, Ph.D., David E. Rodrigues, Ph.D., Bryan D. Zerhusen, Ph.D., Susan M. Zerull. Michael Cantor is a Best Lawyer Lawyer of the Year.
- August 17, 2023
Cantor Colburn is proud to announce that the following attorneys are recognized as 2024 Best Lawyers: Michael Cantor, Michelle Ciotola, Phil Colburn, Steve Coyle, Todd Garabedian, Ph.D., David Rodrigues, Ph.D., Mike Rye, and Susan Zerull. Ali Caless is Best Lawyers: One to Watch.
- September 27, 2018Galveston, Texas
Houston Intellectual Property Law Association and the University of Houston Law Center Institute for Intellectual Property & Information Law present the Fall Institute of Intellectual Property Law 2018 on September 27, 2018.
- May 12, 2016Houston, Texas
Cantor Colburn is sponsoring The IP Strategy Summit: Houston on May 12, where Co-Managing Partner Philmore Colburn II will be a featured speaker.
- INTA 135th Annual MeetingMay 4, 2013Dallas, Texas
- Strategies for Managing Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology & Chemical Patent Portfolios for Business Development and Licensing ProfessionalsMarch 6, 2013Mumbai, India
Presenters: Steven Coyle, Anne Maxwell, Ph.D., David Rodrigues, Ph.D.
Professional Affiliations
American Bar Association
American Intellectual Property Association
Connecticut Bar Association
Houston Intellectual Property Law Association (HIPLA)
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
- AI & New Emerging Technologies Committee, 2023
Materials and Manufacturing Technology Network for Western Massachusetts
- Steering Committee Member