Practice Areas
- Artificial Intelligence Practice
- Computer Science Practice
- Consumer Products Practice
- Derivation Proceedings
- Design Patents Practice
- Due Diligence in IP Acquisitions
- Energy Storage, Batteries, and Materials Practice
- Ex Parte Reexaminations
- Expedited Patent Examination
- Foreign & PCT Patent Filing
- Inter Partes Review
- International
- Invalidity Opinions
- IP Transactional
- Licensing
- Non-infringement Opinions
- Opinions
- Patent Landscaping and Risk Analysis
- Patent Reissue
- Patentability Opinions
- Patents
- Post Grant Practice
- Product Clearance
- Right to Practice Opinions
- Technology Transfer
- Transfers, Mergers, Acquisitions, Bankruptcies and Securitizations
- Utility, Design, and Plant Patent Filing with the USPTO
- Aerospace & Aeronautics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Automotive Technology
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Computer and Systems Engineering
- Computer Science & Software
- Electrical Engineering & Electronics
- Electro-Communications
- Energy
- Internet & E-Commerce
- Mechanical Engineering
- Medical Devices
- Metallurgy & Ceramics
- Nanotechnology
- Optics
- Semiconductor Devices & Processing Methods
- Telecommunications
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2020
- Minnesota, 2017
George Mason University School of Law, J.D., May 2016
The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, JD, August 2013-May 2014
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, M.S. in Electrical Engineering, 1999
Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, B.S. in in Electrical Engineering, 1996
Seoul Science High School, Seoul, Korea, 1991
- Korean
- English
고성욱 어드바이저는 컴퓨터 사이언스, 소프트웨어, 무선통신, 디스플레이 장치, 의료 기기, 연료 전지 배터리, 반도체 장치, 나노 기술 그리고 광학 장치 등을 포함한 기계 및 전자 기술 분야의 업무를 전담하고 있습니다. 고 어드바이저는 Cantor Colburn 입사 전 13년동안 삼성전자의 IP출원팀에서 한국 변리사로서 일하면서, 미국 및 한국 특허출원, 특허 포트폴리오 관리 및 전략개발, 특허 침해/무효 분석, 라이센싱 협상, 특허맵, 회피설계, 규격특허 발굴 및 가입, 특허매입, IP due diligence 등의 업무를 담당 했었습니다.
Experience Highlights
Partner, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2024-present
고문 변호사 (Counsel), Cantor Colburn LLP, 2022-2023
Associate, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2017-2021
Technical Advisor, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2016-2017
Summer Associate, Sughrue Mion, PLLC, Washington, DC, May 2014-July 2014
IP출원팀 매니저, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Suwon, Korea,2000-2013
연수생, Sughrue Mion, PLLC, Washington, DC, October 2007-September 2008
연수생, Stein McEwen & Bui, LLP, Washington, DC, April 2007-September 2007
연수생, Staas & Halsey, LLP, Washington, DC, April 2006-May 2006
- September 28, 2024Washington, D.C.
Cantor Colburn Partner Sung Wook Kooh will attend the Korean American Intellectual Property Bar Association (KAIPBA) Seminar on September 28, 2024, featuring a lecture by Mr. Michael Kim, Vice Chief Administrative Patent Judge of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, on recent trends at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board, including hearings, rulemaking, and artificial intelligence.
- January 25, 2024
KAIPBA's New Year’s Party with special guest Mr. Hyun-suk Lim, Intellectual Property Attaché at the Korean Embassy, takes place on January 25, 2024 in Vienna Virginia.
Cantor Colburn Partner Sung Wook Kooh will be in attendance. Cantor Colburn has been a steadfast sponsor of the Korean American Intellectual Property Bar Association (KAIPBA), supporting various events throughout the year.
- November 13, 2023Ashburn, Virginia
Sung Wook Kooh will attend Standards, Patents, & Competition program presented by IP Watchdog that will cover the latest developments in the Standard Essential Patents industry today, from global attempts to regulate SEPs, to FRAND, unwilling licensees, patent pools, multi-jurisdiction enforcement strategies, the role of the ITC, standardization of critical and emerging technologies and much more.
- October 11, 2023Alexandria, Virginia
Korean American Intellectual Property Bar Association (KAIPBA) presents the 2023 Korea-US IP Forum and PCT Roundtable on October 11, 2023, in Alexandria, Virginia. Cantor Colburn is a sponsor of the event, which features several distinguished speakers. Cantor Colburn attorneys Sung Wook Kooh, Howard Levy, and Farzad Panjshiri, will attend.
- September 13, 2023Washington, D.C.
Charles Kim, Director of the Office of Petitions, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), will speak on Recent Development of AI IP Policy in the USPTO. This live session is sponsored by Cantor Colburn and presented by the Korean American Intellectual Property Bar Association (KAIPBA) and will take place in Washington, D.C. Sung Wook Kooh, Counsel at Cantor Colburn, will attend.
- December 7, 2022Washington, D.C.
Cantor Colburn is proud to be the Diamond Sponsor the 2022 IPO Education Foundation Awards Celebration which recognizes the Inventor of the Year, Executive of the Year, and the IP Champion.
- April 25, 2017Alexandria, Virginia
USPTO Design Day took place on Tuesday, April 25 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) in Alexandria, Virginia. Cantor Colburn is one of the largest filers of design patents in the country and our attorneys attend Design Day every year.
Professional Affiliations
Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)
Korean-American Intellectual Property Bar Association (KAIPBA)
Licensing Executive Society Korea
- Certificate for Outstanding Achievement from Licensing Executive Society International