
Practice Areas



  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2008
  • State Bar of Texas, 2009
  • State Bar of Connecticut, 2018


South Texas College of Law, JD, cum laude, 2009

B.S., University of Massachusetts, Astronomy, magna cum laude, 2006

B.S., University of Massachusetts, Physics, magna cum laude, 2006

Teaching Positions

  • Adjunct Professor, University of Connecticut School of Law, Introduction to Patent Law
Photo of Jared B. Howenstine

Jared B. Howenstine

860.286.2929, ext. 1246

Jared Howenstine concentrates his practice in intellectual property/information technology. He focuses his practice on patent prosecution, counseling, licensing, and patent infringement litigation, representing companies from a broad range of industries, with clients of all sizes, from solo inventors to start-up companies to Fortune 100 companies. Jared’s utility and design patent prosecution and counseling practice has involved mechanical medical devices, tools, automotive components, oilfield exploration and production equipment, additive manufacturing, consumer electronic devices, wireless communication, machinery, elevators, heating and cooling systems, and aerospace and aeronautics components and systems. 

Experience Highlights

Partner, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2021-present

Counsel, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2019-2020

Associate, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2014-2018

Associate, McCarter & English LLP, 2012-2014

Patent Attorney, Osha Liang, LLP, 2009-2011

Judicial Intern, Judge Lynn N. Hughes, U.S. District Court, Houston, Texas, Fall 2008


Analysis of Depth-diameter Relationship of Martian Craters, University of Massachusetts, 2006

Howenstine, J. and Kiefer, W., "Morphometry of Large Martian Impact Craters,” Lunar and Planetary Science XXXVI (2005)

Howenstine and Kiefer, 20th Annual Summer Intern Conference, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston, Texas, August 12, 2004



Professional Affiliations

Intellectual Property Owners Association (IPO)

American Bar Association

American Inns of Court

Connecticut IP Inn of Court, Charter Member

Texas Bar Association