

  • Roseman Achievement Award for Excellence in Research, Johns Hopkins University
  • University of Houston Law Center Dean’s Scholarship


  • State of Michigan, 2015
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, 2010
  • State of Georgia, (inactive), 2009


University of Houston Law Center, J.D., 2009

The Johns Hopkins University, M.A., Ph.D., Bioinorganic Chemistry, 2004

University of California, Berkeley, M.S., Organic and Organometallic Chemistry,  1998

University of Michigan, B.S., Chemistry,  1995

Photo of Ian  Wasser, Ph.D.

Ian Wasser, Ph.D.


Ian M. Wasser, Ph.D., is a registered patent attorney focused on preparing patent applications and managing their domestic and counterpart international prosecution. Ian’s patent practice spans the realms of chemical arts and material sciences. He primarily serves clients who are developing high performance specialty chemicals, electronic materials including OLEDs (including organometallic compounds, quantum dots, and related materials), semiconductors (including photolithography materials and methods for EUV technologies), secondary batteries and fuel cells (including metal and metal air battery systems), automotive materials and emission controls, and oilfield servicing materials. In addition, he has experience evaluating and designing around existing products and patents, and has experience counseling clients on matters of infringement, patentability, validity, and strategic patent portfolio management.

Experience Highlights

Counsel, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2020-present

Associate, Cantor Colburn LLP, 2016-2019

Associate, Honigman Miller Schwartz and Cohn LLP, 2014-2016

Associate, Eversheds Sutherland LLP (formerly Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP), 2010-2014

Patent Engineer, Osha Liang, 2007

Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Texas – Austin, 2004-200


Co-author, “Opinion Letters, Representation Issues, and the Impact of the Seagate and Knorr-Bremse Decisions,” PLI Patent Litigation 2010 Course Handbook #24179 (2010).

Co-author, “Copying Products is Risky Business: Inducing Patent Infringement” (Legal Alert, February 16, 2010).

Author, “Improving the Quality of Healthcare: Resolving Claim Disputes in Medicine,” Alternative Resolutions, Winter 2010, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 11-19.

Co-author, “Heme/Non-Heme Diiron (II) Complexes and O2, CO, and NO Adducts as Reduced and Substrate-Bound Models for the Active Site of Bacterial Nitric Oxide Reductase,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 127, 3310-3320 (2005).

Co-author, “Efficient photodissociation of O2 from synthetic heme and heme/M (M=Fe, Cu) complexes, “Journal of the American Chemical Society, 126, 16712-16713 (2004).

Co-author, “Photochemical organic oxidations and dechlorinations with a mu-oxo bridged heme/non-heme diiron complex,” Inorganic Chemistry, 43, 8272-8281 (2004).

Co-author, “Synthesis and spectroscopy of micro-oxo (O(2)(-))-bridged heme/non-heme diiron complexes: models for the active site of nitric oxide reductase,” Inorganic Chemistry, 43, 651-662 (2004).

Co-author, “Superoxo, mu-peroxo, and mu-oxo complexes from heme/O2 and heme-Cu/O2 reactivity: copper ligand influences in cytochrome c oxidase models,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, 100, 3623-3628 (2003).

Co-author, “Synthesis and crystal structures of (fulvalene)W(2)(SH)(2)(CO)(6), (fulvalene)W(2)(mu-S(2))(CO)(6), and (fulvalene)W(2)(mu-S)(CO)(6): low valent tungsten carbonyl sulfide and disulfide complexes stabilized by the bridging fulvalene ligand,” Inorganic Chemistry, 41, 3212-3217 (2002).

Co-author, “Nitric Oxide in Biological Denitrification: Fe/Cu Metalloenzyme and Metal Complex NOx Redox Chemistry,” Chemical Reviews, 102, 1201-1234 (2002).

Co-author, “Photosubstitution of (fulvalene)tetracarbonyldiruthenium by alkenes and alkynes: First observation of alkyne coupling on fulvalene dimetals and synthesis of a (fulvalene)dimetallacyclopentadiene(alkene) complex,” Organometallics, 21, 749-760 (2002).

Co-author, “Nitric Oxide Reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans contains an oxo-bridged heme/non-heme diiron center,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 122, 9344-9345 (2000).

Co-author, “Metal Encapsulating Carbon Nanostructures from Oligoalkyne Metal Complexes,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 121, 10430-10431 (1999).

Co-author, “Penta(cyclopentadienyl)-Ƞ5-cyclopentadienylmanganese tricarbonyl: Structure and laser-induced conversion to fullerenes,” Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 572, 135-139 (1999).

Professional Affiliations

American Bar Association

State Bar of Michigan, Intellectual Property Law Section

State Bar of Georgia, Intellectual Property Law Section

American Chemical Society

Intellectual Property Owners Association